Joining a Stampin' Up team is always an exciting decision. It always come with great benefits like a discount on products you are going to buy anyway, access to a Stampin' Up Demonstrator website, training opportunities, immediate access to a worldwide family of other demonstrators, sneak peeks of catalogs and the opportunity to pre-order before the catalog goes live to customers. The starter kit includes $125 of YOUR CHOICE of Stampin' Up products for only $99 plus tax (Shipping is free). You then get a 20-25% discount on every Stampin' Up product you purchase. They also include some business supplies
Well, during the month of July, there is a Christmas in July joining special. In addition to the already great benefits offered for becoming a Stampin' Up demonstrator, you will also receive a FREE essentials pack worth $72.00. This also includes a brand new Stamp Set from the 2017 Holiday catalog. The matching thinlits are available for demonstrators to order in July and could be added to your starter kit, if that's what you choose.
If you want to join, click on the button below. If you have questions, feel free to contact me and I would be happy to talk about whatever questions you have. I will be having an Opportunity night to discuss becoming a Stampin' Up Demonstator online Thursday, July 11 at 7pm. Let me know if you would like an invite to that Facebook event.
Don't worry you're not left out if you choose not to join my team. You can still experience Christmas in July. Santa will not visit and you will not get FREE gifts, but you can get a jump start on Christmas cards this year and you can play with Christmas products, including one bundle from the 2017 Holiday catalog. The monthly in-person card class for July is a "Christmas in July" event. We will be creating 5 cards (3 designs) for only $20.00. RSVP is required for this event. You can RSVP at
July Card Class--Christmas in July
July 29, 2017
$5.00 for additional card kit or members of same household
Host code for July = PRXZCM6P.
Use this code if your order is under $150.00 and I will send you a host gift with your thank you card from me. If your order is over $150.00 DON"T USE THIS CODE so you can choose your own host rewards.
Use this code if your order is under $150.00 and I will send you a host gift with your thank you card from me. If your order is over $150.00 DON"T USE THIS CODE so you can choose your own host rewards.
Don't forget bonus days have started. For every $50.00 you spend you will earn a coupon for $5.00 that you can spend on an order in August. NO LIMIT on how many Bonus Days coupons you can earn.
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